Thursday, September 1, 2016

Shravan End Tribute

As Shravan concludes and Bhadrapada Amavasya ends, this piece is dedicated to Goddess Kali, remover of all darkness from our lives thereby protecting us at every step.

Why I sincerely adore ,The Angry Indian Goddess from my Heart ?

Empowerment has become the buzzword with changing times and existing society norms. Indian Mythology depicts how Goddess Parvati took forms of Durga and Kali to put an end to ‘Asur Raj’  who sought to create mass destruction in Universe. A conversation with my elder brother gave me deep perspective because he stated how women show empowerment in name of ‘Kali’ but in reality She midst of destruction and chaos did not realize having stepped onto own Husband, Shiva. But i beg to differ with him because like any other male chauvinist pig he failed to see that headstrong Women conquers the Universe but Her devotion and love for Her Husband is equally vital.

The name Kali is derived from the Sanskrit word, 'Kala' or time. She therefore represents Time, Change, Power, Creation, Preservation, and Destruction. "Kali" also mean "the black one", signifying remover of darkness from one’s life.

 The legends tell saga of demon named Raktabija who had created havoc among devas. Devas attempt in various ways and with a variety of weapons failed to destroy him. They soon find that they have worsened the situation for with every drop of blood that is dripped from Raktabija he reproduces a clone of himself. The battlefield becomes increasingly filled with his duplicates.  In order to combat the demons and evil forces creating mass destruction ,Goddess Kali emerge on Earth.Kali consumes Raktabija and his duplicates, and dances on the corpses of the slain. She is given the epithet Chamunda, i.e. the slayer of the demons Chanda and Munda. Kali was so immersed in complete destruction of evil and negative forces that her anger took wrath much to the fear of all Devas. To pacify ,Kali ,Mahadev lies down on Her path and without realizing She steps on Him and sticks out Her tongue upon realization that She had accidentally stepped on Her husband . This depicts the empowering Goddess with a compassionate heart who loves and is deeply attached to Her family.

Ma Kali wears a garland of skulls and a skirt of dismembered arms because the ego arises out of identification with the body. In truth we are beings of spirit and not flesh. So liberation can only proceed when our attachment to the body ends. Thus the garland and skirt are trophies worn by Her to symbolize having liberated Her children from attachment to the limited body. She holds a sword and a freshly severed head dripping blood. Her black skin represents the womb of the quantum unmanifest from which all of creation arises and into which all of creation will eventually dissolve. She is depicted as standing on Shiva who lays beneath Her with white skin (in contrast to Her black or sometimes dark blue skin). He has a blissful detached look.
Three different forms of Goddess Kali – Dakshina Kali, Mahakali and Smashan Kali.

"Om Kreem Kalikayai Namah” meaning I bow my head to the Goddess Kali.

Would like to end write ups dedicated to Mahadev during Shravan with explanation of Natraj.
By the 12th century AD, Natraj achieved canonical stature and soon the Chola Nataraja became the supreme  statement of Hindu art.
Lord Shiva, the King of Dances, predominantly features in the Indian dance forms. His cosmic dance conglomerates creation, preservation and destruction. Nataraja's dance is the symbolic representation of human life, which depicts that ultimately, the good and the evil are neutralized. 
Lord Shiva is dancing, with his left foot elegantly raised and the right foot on a prostrate figure — 'Apasmara Purusha', the personification of illusion and ignorance over whom Shiva triumphs. The upper left hand holds a flame, the lower left hand points down to the dwarf, who is shown holding a cobra. The upper right hand holds an hourglass drum or 'dumroo' that stands for the male-female vital principle, the lower shows the gesture of assertion: "Be without fear."
The dance of Shiva can be divided into two common forms - the Lasya (gentle form of dance), which is related to the creation of the world. The second form is Tandava, a dangerous dance, which is associated with the destruction of the world. Both the types of dances have their own significance in the Mythology.Apart from being a popular art form, the dance of Nataraja is one of the most respected in the Indian culture.
Om Namah Shivaya _/\_

P.S - Some info has been extracted from various sources. Regarding Goddess Kali, several things are in-depth and I only touched upon how empowering women is also balanced home maker. Regarding Natraj, pictorial representation would do better justice but I tried to share on its meaning.
Har Har Mahadev _/\_ The image of Goddess Kali is from temple in Kolkata wherein it depicts 1000 hands of the deity.