[Kamakhya Devi Pranam – Mantra]
Kamakhya Barade Devi Nilaparbata Basini. Twam Devi Jagatam-Matar Yonimudretute.O!
Goddess Kamakhya, dweller of the Neelparvat, mother of the world, Joni Mudra, I bow to Thee.
The Kalika Purana, an ancient work in Sanskrit describes Kamakhya as the yielder of all desires, the young bride of Lord Shiva, and the giver of salvation.
It is believed that no Tirth Yatra(pilgrimage) is complete without divine blessings of Goddess Kamakhya meaning "beloved goddess of desire". The Holy Shrine of Kamakhya is situated in Nilachal Hill located in Assam. The Present Assam was referred to as Kamrup in many of the ancient Indian literature. Beautifully Mythological tale is weaven which denotes the significance of the land of Kamrup.
Shiva-Siva, meaning "auspicious one" is a major Hindu deity and is "the Destroyer" or "the Transformer" among theTrimurti, the Hindu Trinity of the primary aspects of the divine. He is considered the Supreme God within Shaivism, one of the three most influential denominations in Hinduism.The crescent moon on His head symbolizes the consciousness in human beings, the Ganga symbolizes the Life Force and the snakes on Shiva's body represent the myriad of living beings. "Neelkanth" His another name as He drank entire poison churn in the sea to protect the universe and mankind.
Shiva,Lord of Dance as Natraja is usually worshipped in the an iconic form of lingam. He is described as an omniscient yogi, who lives an ascetic life on Mount Kailash, as well as a householder with a wife Parvati, and two sons, Ganesha and Kartikeya. Legends tell the tale of eternal Love Saga of Shiv-Parvati but Parvati being reincarnation of Sati, daughter of Daksh Prajapati who was an ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu. Sati was married to Shiva and lived in Kailash presently located in Tibet, now under the Chinese dominance.
Daksh intended to perform Yajna, a sacrificial rite to which all the deities except Shiva were invited. Sati expressed her desire to go for the Yajna but when Siva forbade her to go, she flew into a great rage and transformed herself into Shyama or Kali. When Mahadev (Shiva) sought to escape her wrath, she assumed ten different forms, the Dasamahavidya, and surrounded Him. A helpless Shiva finally allowed Her to go to Daksha's yajna. However enraged Daksh insulted Shiva to show his displeasure towards his son-in-law. Unable to bear Her father’s nasty remarks for Her husband Shiva, She sacrificed herself in the holy pyre of the Yajna. Upon receiving the news of Sati's demise, furious Shiva changed Himself into the fierce Rudra and came to the yajna, destroyed the sacrificial ground, and beheaded Daksha. But following the fervent plea of Daksha's wife, He restored him to life by joining the head of the sacrificial goat upon his body. Driven insane with grief, He placed the dead body of Sati upon His shoulders and roamed the Three Worlds. An alarmed Brahma and other Devas (divine beings) approached Vishnu, the preserver, to restore the balance of the world. So Vishnu sent His Sudarsan Chakra (discus) which cut Sati's body to pieces. Wherever the pieces of her mutilated body fell on Earth in 51 different places also denoting 51 Alphabets in Sanskrit, it came to be regarded as a "Shakti Peetha", with immense sacred relevance. Each became a sacred spot the divine decree.Her, yoni (reproductive organ of Sati, genitals) fell on the Nilachal Hill. This hill was said to represent the body of Lord Shiva Himself, and when Sati's genitals fell on it, the mountain turned blue and came to be known as the Nilachal or the Blue hill (nila meaning blue; achal meaning mountain)
As Shiva continued to do penance, the other Gods became afraid that He would never come out of it and hence darkness in entire Universe prevailed. They sent Kamadeva, the God of Love, to make Shiva fall in love again, and thereby break His penance. Kamdeva succeeded in his mission by sending cupid arrow, but Shiva was so enraged at the result that he burnt Kamadeva into ashes by a fiery glance of his third eye. Kamadeva eventually regained his life and his original 'form' (Rupa) in Assam and the land where this took place become known as "Kamrup" ("Kamarupa")
There are so many tales written in different books regarding construction of temple Kamakhya. Kamdev erected the temple with the help of Biswakarma(Lord of Machineries) which is famous as a temple of Anandakshya. There is also another opinion that the temple was made in the ruling period of king Narakasur. It is said in different books that there are four gates on the hill of Devi such as Tiger Gate, Hanuman Gate,Heaven Gate and Lion Gate which were made by king Narakasur. Mythological scriptures believe that Narakasur was born in semen of God Narayan in the form of boar, in the womb of Goddess in the Golden Age.
There is a fascinating story how Goddess appeared before Narakasur and he proposed to her being attracted by her beauty. Devi said if he is able to construct four stone paths round the Nilachal hill within a night itself she will marry him. Narakasur started his work rapidly and Goddess thinking that he soon will accomplish the task given so with her magical powers send a cock to call the dawn. Hearing the cock crowing , Narakasur became furious and ran after the cock to kill it crossing the river Brahmaputra. At last, Narakasur killed the cock with a sharp instrument and that place has been famous as “Kukurakata Chaki” where the cock was killed.
Later Narakasur was killed by Lord Vishnu and Devi Mahamaya for his tyranny. Presently, on the way of climbing up on the Kamakhya hill from Pandughat, there is a tom stone near the Liongate besides the statue of God Ganesh which bears the remembrance of Narakasur till now.
Bhag Dutta took possession the throne of Kamrup State after death of king Narakasur. He believed in Baidik religion of Aryan Race. The power of Kamrup State gradually decreased after the death of Bhag Dutta. At last family of Bhag Dutta was abolished and his state divided into small states.
Kamakhya temple was destroyed in early 16th century, and then rebuilt in the 17th century by King Nara Narayana, of Cooch Bihar. Images of the builder and related inscriptions are seen in the temple.
Later at the time of invasion in another era, Maharaja Biswa Sinha discovered the temple of Goddess Kamakhya on the Nilachal hill near Guwahati. The temple which was earlier built by stone destroyed and became a heap of earth. King Biswa Sinha was engaged in war with king of Ahom, they deviated their path and came through the stone path made by Narakasur that reached at the Nilachal Hill. The king and his brother were very thirsty and saw old woman engaged in deep prayers under Banyan tree.The old woman seeing them directed towards fountain nearby to quench their thirst and asked them to rest under the tree. She told them that the heap of earth was the seat of a living deity Devi Mahamaya. If one takes shelter in the feet of the Goddess and with single minded devotion prays from heart, devotees prayers definitely gets answered. The king wished to be reunited with his soldiers and get the kingdom back. He promised to Devi that he will construct a Godlen temple dedicating to the Goddess after his wish is fulfilled.
Mystically King’s wish was granted but however he constructed the temple with bricks instead of Gold. Having violated his promise to Goddess the temple collapsed overnight and Devi warned king about his promise of Gold to which the king honestly said he is unable to afford the same. Goddess told him to keep one rati of gold between each brick and later magnificent temple came into existence.

Within the temple premises, we can also find two full size representational statues of Malladeva and Sukladhvaj. According to a folk legend, the Goddess Kamakhya, assuming the form of a beautiful woman, used to dance within the closed doors of the Temple at the time of the evening prayers. The Koch king Malladeva and his brother Sukladhvaj desired to see the dancing Goddess and as suggested by the chief priest Kendu Kalai, they peeped through a hole in the wall. She, however, got offended by the intrusion and tore off the head of the priest and turned the King and his brother to stone. According to another version, the King and his future descendants were henceforth, forbidden 'to cast a look even at her very hill' the Nilachal or they would die. Even today, descendants of the Koch royal family pass by the hill under the cover of umbrellas.
Festivals at Kamakhya Temple : Apart from the daily Puja offered in this temple, quite a few special pujas are also offered. They are-
- The Durga Puja is held here for sixteen days on a stretch during the month of Asvina (September- October).
- Kali puja is held here during the month of Ashwin (October- November) and is observed with great devotion.
- Durgadeul- During the month of Phalguna (February-March), this festival is observed.
- Pohan Bia- A symbolic marriage between Lord Kamesvara and Kamesvari during the month of Pausa (Dec- Jan)
- BasantiPuja- This festival is held during the month of Chaitra (March-April)
- Madandeul- This occasion marks the special puja for Lord Kamesvara. It takes places during the month of Chaitra.
- Manasa Puja- It is observed from the Sankranti of Shravana and continues upto the second day of Bhadra(July-August)

During the annual Ambubachi Mela((Tantric Fertility Festival), the Temple precincts are closed to the worshippers as it is believed that the Goddess, along with the Earth, goes through her menstrual cycle. During this festival held in the month of June (the seventh day of Ahar according to the Hindu lunar calendar), during the height of the rainy season, the red haematite present in the soil mixes with the water of the natural spring that moistens the yoni, leading credence to the commonly held belief of a menstruating Goddess. After the temple re-opens, the devotees rush into it to gather the unique’ prasad’; parts of the cloth moist with the menstrual fluid of the Devi. This piece is regarded as highly auspicious. Each year marks around 5-6 lakhs pilgrims during annual Ambubachi Mela at the Holy Shrine-Shaktipeeth Kamakhya Temple situated at top of Nilachal Hill (Gateway of North East) about 800 feet above the sea level .
The practice of Tantrik rites is also prevalent on the Nilachal Hill. Tantricism flourished in the area during the reign of the Pala dynasty. To attain heavenly bliss, they indulged in orgies, relating to the practice of animal sacrifice, the eating of matsya and mamsa (fish and meat), drinking of madira(alcohol) etc. In past miraculous escape of a baby girl later named Tara after the Goddess was about to be sacrifice by mentally ailing father claiming as Tantrik for blind superstitious belief that he will be immortal.
Recently, evil terrorists demons carrying bombs were caught by Cops near the locality of Kamakhya and devotees in fatal bus accident post darshan at the hill but no death proves the fact "Prayer is stronger than Reality" _/\_ Jai Maa Kamakhya Devi.
The Nilachal is also the abode of the Dasamahavidya or ten forms of the Goddess Uma. According to the Brihaddharma Purana, when Uma (Sati) wanted to attend her father Daksha's yajna (sacrifice) and Shiva forbade her, the ten different forms, the Dasamahavidya, came out of the third eye of Sati to frighten Shiva into granting consent. These different forms of the Mother Goddess, namely Kali, Tara, Mahavidya, Sodasi, Bhubanesvari, Bhairavi, Chinnamasta, Sundari, Bagalamukhi and Dhumavati are enshrined in different temples dedicated to her on the Nilachal. They contain no image and are known as Sakti peethas. The object of worship consist of a stone each moistened by a natural spring. According to the Pithanirnaya, the names of the Bhairavas associated with the Goddess Kamakhya are Umananda, Sivananda, Ramananda and Ravananda. The Nilachal Hill also has a number of temples dedicated to the different forms of Kamakhya's consort Siva. They are the Ghantakarna, Kedar Kshetra, Amratakesava, Kamesvara, Siddhesvara, and Kamalesvara. In the middle of the Brahmaputra river that flows beside the Nilachal, on the island of Bhasmachala (Ash Hill), are the shrine of Umananda, Haragauri and Chandrasekhara.
Thus, the abode of Kamakhya, at the Nilachal, became the centre of worship of the Mother Goddess in ancient Assam, a tradition that continues even today. The Temple received continuous royal patronage from pre-historic times up to the advent of the British. Along with the Goddess, her consort Shiva in form of Umananda situated at the peacock island amidst mighty river Brahmaputra is worshiped. The Temple sees a regular inflow of tourists every year from India and abroad including celebrities like Anil Ambani,Rani Mukherjee. There is a belief that newly weds must visit this Holy Shrine seeking Maa Kamahakya's blessings for marital bliss.The Kamakhya Temple has gained a worldwide repute due to its rich historical relevance,mysticism and uniqueness to have evolved as one of the most sought after pilgrims in the nation and worldwide.
There is a very special connect of mine with the Holy Shrine of Kamakhya as my mom seek blessings of Goddess Kamakhya and i was born :-) My life has been full of ups and downs but i am fortunate in a nation where female infanticide is common , my family wanted a daughter. With deepest gratitude i had pen down the following poem in honour of Maa Kamakhya _/\_
Jai Devi.....kare sabki aur jag ki raaksha.....
MA ki Mahima aapaar.......
Bhaktjan kare Jai Jai kar..............
Meri Ma ne mannat maangi thi godh main ek Beti..........
Dhanyabad Jai Ma Devi.....
Mujhe aapne diya aati sundar jeevandaan
Aur har janamdin jate karne Aapke Shubh Darshan....
Lekin isbar daud daudke Nilachal Parbat upar chadke,Ma ke Janam din par meri biniti aur mila nasseb main man chaaha Darshan.....
Kumari Puja Ho ya Sankranti...........
Ambubachi Mela mein bheed jaise-Himachal se leke Kanyakumari..........
Chaade Bhog aur bhi Bali..........
Dekha maine jab thi choti khoon se latpat bakri :-(
Kya maine khana uska maansh tyaag..........
Aur aankh bandh ki maine us chale purani vidhi..........
Sirf apna kartavyaa nivane ka socha aur ho usme siddhi..........
Bas Ma ke charan main aab ek hi iccha............
Woh hain Bharat Desh aur pure sansar main Aaman ki aasha...........!!(Composed by Ronmi dated September 2012-near Mom's birthday 11thSept)
- From The Earth-Illumination-Trumpets of Divinity's Home (Stories from the Indian Scriptures: the Puranas) by Sri Chinmoy
- The Holy Shrine of Kamakhya - Dharanikanta Devsharma
- http://www.kamakhyatourism.com/
- http://kamrup.nic.in/
- http://www.bangalinet.com/kamakhya.html